I build my blog on Github by following this page.

Jekyll: static site generator

What is Jekyll

Jekyll is a site generator.

If we want to build a blog website, we need to do a lot of extra things in addition to writing a blog post, such as writing the index.html, post link list, and some html, CSS, or JavaScript language.

Jekyll can help you handle all these staffs, and you can focus on writing. Instead of writing html, you will use a much simpler language Markdown to write a blog post. After that, Jekyll will convert the post to static pages, i.e. html file. In the meantime, the whole site will be built with a beatiful page style and organization.

So Jekyll is just a software for converting your posts to a sit. Some other similar softwares are also popular, such as Hexo, FarBox and Octopress. Some guys say that Hexo is much efficient than Jekyll and its themes are more beautiful. But I got stuck using Hexo with one by one little problems. So I think Jekyll is more stable. Moreover, it is the official tool suggested by Github.

How to install Jekyll

Jekyll is written in Ruby, so we will install Ruby and install Jekyll from Ruby package host RubyGems.

sudo apt-get install ruby2.0 ruby2.0-dev #Jekyll dependencies, you can install them in other way.

Then install Jekyll when you have got Ruby in your system.

sudo gem install jekyll

So easy!

How to use Jekyll

Init. Now you can build a new blog site with Jekyll.

jekyll new myblog

Then you will see a new directory named myblog. Change your directory to myblog and type:

jekyll serve

Now browse to http://localhost:4000 and you can see a new blog website.

Write. Now you can write your own blog post.

Create a markdown file in the _posts directory with a name like YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.markdown. When you finished the post writing, then convert the post to html by

jekyll build

Then you will see your post in the website http://localhost:4000.

Other usages please checkout the official document.

GitHub Pages: host your site

Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.

Create a repository

Create a repository in GitHub, such as blog. Github will automatically convert the gh-pages branch in your repo to a website by using their Jekyll.

Push your repo to GitHub

So we can push our contents to the gh-pages branch of GitHub repo.

In your local machine and the myblog directory, init local repo and commit.

git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/yourrepo.git
git checkout -b gh-pages

When you have finished and tested your blog posts, you can push them to GitHub.

git push origin gh-pages

Now your website will be available for your own url (see Jekyll docs for url configuration).


All suggestions are welcome.